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Type Document Expires Modified Action
Certificate Air Compressor Unit Nov 22, 2024 Nov 22, 2023 View 
Certificate Air Quality Test Nov 22, 2024 Nov 22, 2023 View 
Certificate AIS Class Survey Checklist & Test Report Jun 01, 2025 Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate AMVER Dec 31, 2024 Nov 28, 2023 View 
Certificate Asian Gypsy Moth Certificate (AGM) Not Applicable Aug 26, 2024 View 
Certificate Assignment of Management Responsibility Letter / Declaration of DPA Not Applicable Apr 15, 2024 View 
Certificate BA Cylinders' Hydrotest Mar 30, 2025 Nov 07, 2023 View 
Certificate BA Set/ SCABA Nov 22, 2024 Nov 22, 2023 View 
Certificate Ballast Water Management PLAN - Statement of Compliance Not Applicable Oct 04, 2023 View 
Certificate Boiler Survey -- Jan 05, 2023 View 
Certificate Bottom Survey (IWS or DD) Mar 01, 2025 Jan 05, 2023 View 
Certificate Brake Test -- Apr 05, 2024 View 
Certificate Cargo gear Apr 08, 2025 Apr 09, 2021 View 
Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (FR) Mar 01, 2025 Feb 15, 2024 View 
Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate (SCC) Mar 01, 2025 Feb 15, 2024 View 
Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (SEC) Mar 01, 2025 Feb 15, 2024 View 
Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (SRC) Mar 01, 2025 Feb 15, 2024 View 
Certificate Certificate of Approved Planned Maintenance System (PMS) I Jan 22, 2024 Jan 23, 2024 View 
Certificate Certificate of Approved Planned Maintenance System (PMS) II Jul 02, 2029 Jul 09, 2024 View 
Certificate Certificate of Class (COC) Mar 01, 2025 Feb 15, 2024 View 
Certificate Certificate of Insurance (H&M) Dec 31, 2024 Jun 24, 2024 View 
Certificate Certificate of Insurance (P&I) (Hakata FD&D 2023-24.pdf) Feb 20, 2025 Feb 13, 2024 View 
Certificate Certificate of Insurance (P&I) (P&I CoE 2024-25.pdf) Feb 20, 2025 Feb 13, 2024 View 
Certificate Certificate of Insurance or other financial security for Repatriation (MLC A2.5.2) - Blue Card Feb 20, 2025 Feb 17, 2024 View 
Certificate Certificate of Insurance or other financial security for Shipowners' Liability (MLC A4.2.1) - Blue C Feb 20, 2025 Feb 17, 2024 View 
Certificate Certificate of Medicine Chest Jun 07, 2025 May 30, 2024 View 
Certificate Certificate of Registry (COR) Dec 31, 2999 Jul 02, 2024 View 
Certificate Certificate Test and Examination of Lifting Appliances / Cranes - Retesting (5-Year) Survey Certific (Lifting Appilance 5 Yearly & Annual.pdf) Apr 08, 2025 Jan 14, 2023 View 
Certificate Certificate Test and Examination of Lifting Appliances / Cranes - Retesting (5-Year) Survey Certific (Register of Lifting Equip.pdf) Apr 08, 2025 Jan 14, 2023 View 
Certificate Chart Management System - Certificate of Enrollment Jan 31, 2025 Mar 29, 2024 View 
Certificate Civil Liability Convention (CLC) 1992 Certificate (Britannia CLC 2024-25.pdf) Feb 20, 2025 Feb 19, 2024 View 
Certificate Civil Liability Convention (CLC) 1992 Certificate (CLC 2024-25.pdf) Feb 20, 2025 Feb 19, 2024 View 
Certificate Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (BCLC 2001) - Blue Card Feb 20, 2025 Feb 16, 2024 View 
Certificate Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage Convention (CLBC) Certificate Feb 20, 2025 Feb 19, 2024 View 
Certificate Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC 1992) Feb 20, 2025 Feb 16, 2024 View 
Certificate Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC 1992) - Blue Card Feb 20, 2025 Feb 17, 2024 View 
Certificate Civil Liability for the Removal of Wrecks (WRLC 2007) Feb 20, 2025 Feb 16, 2024 View 
Certificate Civil Liability for the Removal of Wrecks (WRLC 2007) - Blue Card Feb 20, 2025 Feb 17, 2024 View 
Certificate Civil Liability for Wreck Removal (WRC) (Britainnia WRC 2024-25.pdf) Feb 20, 2025 Feb 19, 2024 View 
Certificate Civil Liability for Wreck Removal (WRC) (WRC 2024-25.pdf) Feb 20, 2025 Feb 19, 2024 View 
Certificate Class COT Inspections Mar 01, 2025 Apr 11, 2022 View 
Certificate Class WBT Inspection Mar 01, 2025 Mar 10, 2023 View 
Certificate CMS Mar 01, 2025 Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate Compass Deviation Adjustment Not Applicable Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate Condition Assessment Programme (CAP) Mar 01, 2025 Sep 19, 2023 View 
Certificate COW (Approval Letter & Approved Manual) Not Applicable Apr 24, 2023 View 
Certificate Crew Elevator Annual Service Certificate Nov 21, 2024 Nov 26, 2023 View 
Certificate DCS Statement of Compliance May 31, 2025 May 13, 2024 View 
Certificate Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I (DMLC Part I) Not Applicable Sep 30, 2022 View 
Certificate Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part II (DMLC Part II) Not Applicable Feb 23, 2023 View 
Certificate Derricks/Cranes (Lifting Appilance 5 Yearly & Annual.pdf) -- Oct 02, 2023 View 
Certificate Derricks/Cranes (Register of Lifting Equip.pdf) -- Oct 02, 2023 View 
Certificate Document of Compliance (DOC) Jul 09, 2027 Aug 29, 2024 View 
Certificate Drinking Water Analysis Certificate Dec 03, 2024 Aug 26, 2024 View 
Certificate Drug & Alcohol Test Certificate Jan 15, 2025 Jan 29, 2024 View 
Certificate Dry-Dock Mar 01, 2025 Jul 19, 2023 View 
Certificate EIAPP - Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (D/G1) Not Applicable Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate EIAPP - Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (D/G2) Not Applicable Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate EIAPP - Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (D/G3) Not Applicable Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificates (EIAPP) Mar 01, 2025 Feb 22, 2022 View 
Certificate EPA Annual Report under the 2013 NPDES VGP Not Applicable Apr 30, 2024 View 
Certificate EPA NOI under the 2013 NPDES VGP Not Applicable Apr 30, 2024 View 
Certificate EPIRB Test Report Jun 01, 2025 Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate Escape EEBD Jan 31, 2030 Aug 27, 2024 View 
Certificate EU MRV Document of Compliance Jun 30, 2022 Oct 06, 2023 View 
Certificate Exhaust Gas Economizer - 36 months Survey Mar 01, 2025 Jan 05, 2023 View 
Certificate Fire Extinguishers & Foam Applicator annual inspection Nov 22, 2024 May 16, 2024 View 
Certificate Fire Extinguishers' Hydrotest & Refill May 08, 2025 May 16, 2024 View 
Certificate Form B - Record of Construction and Equipment for Oil Tankers Mar 01, 2025 Aug 28, 2021 View 
Certificate Form C - Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate Not Applicable Apr 24, 2023 View 
Certificate GMDSS Radio Survey Class Checklist Jun 01, 2025 Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate GMDSS Shore-based Maintenance Agreement Dec 31, 2024 Dec 21, 2023 View 
Certificate GMDSS Technicians' Service Report Jun 01, 2025 Feb 16, 2024 View 
Certificate Gyro Inspection Jan 15, 2025 Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate High Expansion Foam Analysis May 15, 2025 May 15, 2024 View 
Certificate High Expansion Foam System Nov 22, 2024 Nov 22, 2023 View 
Certificate High Expansion Foam System - 5 year test Mar 30, 2025 Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate IG (Approval Letter & Approved Manual) Aug 30, 2021 View 
Certificate Immersion Suits Jan 25, 2026 Jan 27, 2023 View 
Certificate Inflatable Lifejackets Nov 22, 2024 Nov 22, 2023 View 
Certificate International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPPC) Mar 01, 2025 Aug 29, 2024 View 
Certificate International Anti-fouling System Certificate (IAFSC) Mar 01, 2025 Aug 28, 2021 View 
Certificate International Ballast Water Management Certificate (IBWM) Mar 01, 2025 Feb 15, 2024 View 
Certificate International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC) -- Mar 26, 2024 View 
Certificate International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPPC) Mar 01, 2025 Feb 15, 2024 View 
Certificate International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (ISPPC) Mar 01, 2025 Aug 28, 2021 View 
Certificate International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) Sep 10, 2027 Aug 29, 2024 View 
Certificate International Tonnage Certificate (ITC) Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate Inventory of Hazardous Material (EU) Mar 01, 2025 Feb 15, 2024 View 
Certificate Inventory of Hazardous Material (HK) Mar 01, 2025 Feb 15, 2024 View 
Certificate ISM Safety Management Certificate (SMC) Sep 10, 2027 Aug 29, 2024 View 
Certificate ITOPF Membership Record Form Feb 20, 2025 Feb 16, 2024 View 
Certificate Life rafts Oct 24, 2024 Nov 02, 2023 View 
Certificate Life rafts' HRUs Apr 24, 2025 Oct 31, 2022 View 
Certificate Lifeboat Air Cylinder's Annual Inspection Nov 22, 2024 Nov 22, 2023 View 
Certificate Lifeboat Air Cylinder's Hydrotest & Refill Mar 30, 2025 Apr 24, 2023 View 
Certificate Lifeboats & Davits Annual Inspection Certificate Jun 01, 2025 Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate Lifeboats & Davits 5-Year Inspection Certificate Mar 30, 2025 Aug 28, 2021 View 
Certificate Loading Computer Certificate Not Applicable Aug 27, 2021 View 
Certificate Low Expansion Foam Analysis May 15, 2025 May 15, 2024 View 
Certificate Low Expansion Foam System Nov 22, 2024 Nov 22, 2023 View 
Certificate Low Expansion Foam System - 5 year test Mar 30, 2025 Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate LRIT Compliance -- Feb 28, 2023 View 
Certificate Magnetic Compass Deviation Card Feb 21, 2025 Mar 29, 2024 View 
Certificate Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC) Sep 10, 2027 Sep 21, 2022 View 
Certificate Medical Oxygen Resuscitator Nov 22, 2024 Nov 22, 2023 View 
Certificate Medical Oxygen Resuscitator Cylinders' Hydrotest Mar 30, 2025 May 15, 2024 View 
Certificate Medical Oxygen Resuscitator Cylinders' Refill Mar 01, 2026 Aug 29, 2024 View 
Certificate Minimum Safe Manning (GR,FR,LI,RMI) Not Applicable Aug 21, 2023 View 
Certificate MLC Seafarer Repatriation Costs Feb 20, 2025 Feb 13, 2024 View 
Certificate MLC Shipowners Liability Feb 20, 2025 Feb 13, 2024 View 
Certificate Monthly Class Status Not Applicable Aug 02, 2024 View 
Certificate Mosquito Eradication Certificate against ZIKA Virus Not Applicable Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate ODME (Approval Letter & Approved Manual) Aug 30, 2021 View 
Certificate OSIS Certificate of Vessel Membership Dec 31, 2024 Jan 12, 2024 View 
Certificate Oxygene and Acetylene AC/OX Welding 5-yearly Inspection Aug 20, 2029 Aug 29, 2024 View 
Certificate P&I Certificate of Entry / Freight, Demurrage & Defence Feb 20, 2025 Feb 20, 2024 View 
Certificate P&I Certificate of Entry / Protection & Indemnity Feb 20, 2025 Feb 15, 2024 View 
Certificate Permis De Navigation (FR) Mar 01, 2025 Mar 27, 2024 View 
Certificate Permissible Sewage Discharging Rate Not Applicable Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate Pressure Calibrator Jan 15, 2025 Jan 24, 2024 View 
Certificate Produced/Mixed High Expansion Foam Analysis - 5 year Apr 08, 2025 Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate Produced/Mixed Low Expansion Foam Analysis - 5 year Apr 08, 2025 Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate QUALSHIP 21 &/or E-ZERo Jul 11, 2025 Apr 24, 2023 View 
Certificate Record of Anti-Fouling System Not Applicable Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate Record of Approved Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Not Applicable Aug 27, 2021 View 
Certificate Record of Approved GMDSS Radio Installations Mar 01, 2025 Apr 11, 2022 View 
Certificate Register of Lifting Appliances - Part I Apr 08, 2025 Aug 28, 2021 View 
Certificate Register of Lifting Appliances - Part II Jun 01, 2025 Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate SART Jun 01, 2025 Mar 26, 2024 View 
Certificate SEEMP Part II - Confirmation of Compliance Not Applicable May 15, 2024 View 
Certificate SEEMP PART III - Confirmation of Compliance Dec 31, 2034 May 27, 2024 View 
Certificate Ship Radio License (FR,RMI) Jan 31, 2025 Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate Ship Radio Station License (SRL) Jan 31, 2023 Feb 22, 2022 View 
Certificate Ship Sanitation Control (SSCC)/Ship Sanitation Control Exemption (SSCE) Certificate Nov 23, 2024 May 23, 2024 View 
Certificate SOPEP Approval Not Applicable Aug 29, 2021 View 
Certificate SSAS Survey Class Checklist Jun 01, 2025 Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate STS Operations Plan Approval Not Applicable Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate STS Plan Jun 04, 2021 View 
Certificate Suez Canal Tonnage Certificate (SCT) -- Aug 28, 2021 View 
Certificate Supplement to Energy Efficiency Certificate Not Applicable Mar 26, 2024 View 
Certificate Supplement to IAPP - Record of Construction and Equipment Not Applicable May 16, 2024 View 
Certificate Survey for Load Lines Not Applicable Aug 27, 2021 View 
Certificate Tailshaft Survey Jun 01, 2021 Aug 28, 2021 View 
Certificate Temperature Calibrator Jan 15, 2025 Jan 24, 2024 View 
Certificate Trim & Stability (Approval Letter & Approved Manual) Not Applicable Apr 24, 2023 View 
Certificate U.S. Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR) Mar 29, 2027 Mar 13, 2024 View 
Certificate U.S. Certificate of Financial Responsibility for Alaska (COFR AK) Feb 28, 2025 Feb 23, 2023 View 
Certificate USCG Certificate of Compliance (USCGCOC) Dec 11, 2023 Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate UTI Calibration Certificates Jan 15, 2025 Jan 24, 2024 View 
Certificate Vapour Emission Control System Certificate (VECS) Not Applicable Aug 27, 2021 View 
Certificate VDR Technicians' Service Report Jun 01, 2025 Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate VDR Test Report Jun 01, 2025 Jan 25, 2024 View 
Certificate VOC Management Plan Approval Not Applicable Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate Voyage Data Recorder Certificate of Compliance (VDR) Jun 01, 2025 Apr 03, 2024 View 
Certificate VRP Approval (Intergrated ICP) Jan 11, 2026 Jun 15, 2022 View 
Certificate War Risks Certificate of Entry Feb 20, 2025 Feb 20, 2024 View 
Certificate Water X-Mist Nov 22, 2024 Nov 22, 2023 View 
Certificate Water X-Mist - 5 year Mar 30, 2025 Sep 11, 2021 View 
Certificate WPCI - Environmental Ship Index (ESI) Dec 31, 2024 Jul 10, 2024 View 
Document Officer Matrix -- Aug 29, 2024 View 
Loadline International Loadline Certificate (ILC) [Load Line A - 302,550 DWT.pdf] -- Jan 25, 2024 View 
Questionnaire Harmonized Vessel Particulars Questionnaire (HVPQ) -- Aug 29, 2024 View